Separation Anxiety 

Dogs are a highly social species, they live in social groups and many never leave the comfort and safety of their mother, siblings and extended family. It’s not surprising therefore that many of our pet dogs struggle with Separation Anxiety. It’s heartbreaking, but Separation Anxiety can be cured and I’m here to help you and your dog get through this. 

Dog Separation Anxiety North London
Dog tag featuring a small dog's face in the center, with text 'DOG ON THE HILL' encircling it on a round gray background.
Round tan dog tag with white illustration of a dog's face and the text 'DOG ON THE HILL' around the edge.

Help with your dog’s separation issue

Separation Anxiety training involves a process where we gradually teach a dog that being alone is safe. The training is done 100% remotely via an app that I am licensed to use and share with you, as a fully accredited Separation Anxiety trainer.

Training remotely ensures that we can observe your dog’s behaviour and body language without our presence affecting it (and also that I can help you, no matter where you’re located). You will need to invest in a camera(s) to assist with the training so that you can always see what your dog is doing.

  • Thank you Jane, your separation anxiety training has helped us get our lives back!

    — Teresa and Michael

How does it work?

Ideally, you'll fit in training 5 days a week (you'd do a couple of short sessions a day depending on your dog and your schedule) and we'll meet for a catch up via Zoom once a week when I'll be able to offer you additional guidance, encouragement and support. 

Our focus will be on taking it day by day. If you keep looking towards your end goal, you'll feel totally overwhelmed and that overwhelm could prevent you from doing anything.

We'll also be communicating daily via the App and you'll be able to send me any videos of your dog if you're unsure if they're coping or not.

Separation Anxiety training requires a minimum of 4 weeks commitment because this allows us time to get a deeper understanding of your dog and helps me to help you with planning his/her home alone training. 

This process starts with a commitment from you to your dog that you won't leave them alone (they don’t have to be with you, but can’t be put in a situation where they won’t be able to cope with isolation) while you're building up time alone.  If you have to leave your dog alone, you will undoubtedly undo all the valuable work that you've put in.

At the end of the initial 4 week training package, you'll either be able to continue with me for a further 4 weeks (or longer) at a discounted rate, or you may find that you have acquired sufficient understanding and knowledge to continue on your own. Each dog is a study of one and success is very much down to the individual.

Dogs who have Separation Anxiety, experience the same feelings and emotions that humans do when they experience bereavement. The good news is that this is a problem that can be successfully resolved.

What People Are Saying

Airedale Terrier sitting on a couch next to a patterned pillow and a fluffy blanket.

“We got an immense amount out of our sessions with Jane. She’s very clear in her instructions and also in making the logic behind her approach understandable. Our dog enjoyed every minute of the sessions, too. We always felt buoyed up after an hour with Jane and our Welsh Terrier only becomes more of a joy as we use Jane’s methods.”

— Sarah, Anna and Clairie

Black and white fluffy dog sitting on wooden floor

“Jane has been consistent, kind and reliable and has given me a clear and concise program, both during our one on one sessions and then followed up afterwards with thorough and personalised emails that helped so much to remind me of the many things we learned each session. You evidently care very much about what you do.”

— Cara and Hugo

White dog with tongue out, lying on a dark couch with gray pillow.

“Jane gave me the confidence with our dog, Wheeto. As a disabled owner, I was really struggling to see how I could cope with our dog and how he could cope with me. I am so happy and confident that Wheeto is happy with me and that he can have fun and we can enjoy each other’s company. I really would recommend Jane, she has changed our lives.”

— Laura and Wheeto

Separation Anxiety

Four Week Separation Anxiety Package £500

  • Initial Zoom consultation of 30 minutes to ascertain what your dog can cope with at the moment, how SA training works and whether we will be able to work together.

  • A weekly catch-up session via Zoom where we will talk through your training and observations.*

  • Access to the exclusive training app

  • Text support via the app

  • Video analysis

    *Weekly catch up sessions will need to be booked consecutively.

Dog Separation Anxiety North London

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our aim is to build time gradually so that your dog feels safe when alone. If you then go out and push them over their safe threshold, you will more than likely have to start again from scratch.

  • Some dogs are so stressed when isolated that they wont be able to eat. Others will be distracted by the food and then panic when they discover that they’ve been left alone.

  • We don’t know why some dogs can’t cope when left alone, but others can. But if your dog can’t manage time alone, then leaving them to cry it out will increase their fear of isolation, make them even more clingy and diminish their trust in you.

I can help with your dog’s separation issue